Other Officials

Other Officials

We G.S.M. Polytechnic one of the renowned Diploma College is dedicated to provide the quality education in the field of engineering and technology.

The college continuously engaged to develop a synergetic relationship between the institution, society and the community, for mutual betterment which can provide the gamut of quality technological and or managerial professionals that is required to ameliorate West Bengal to the status of a gateway to industries worldwide.

We thank all the students, parents and stakeholders for their trust and confidence which encourage us to expand the vistas of higher learning in technological fields. 

NameDesignationContact No.E-mail
BIRAJ SINGHAHOD/CST8927404157birajsingha21.bs@gmail.com
SUPRIYA GHOSHHOD/ME9474538167ghsohsupriya@gmail.com
ARIJIT MANDALHOD/EE8670338051arijitmandal.ee@gmail.com
DIPANKAR KARMOKARHOD/CE9635438487dipankar2609@gmail.com
SUDIPTA DEYHOD/ETCE9732991100contact.sudipta123@gmail.com
SHYAMAL KUMAR PALHOD/Science & Humanities9475245816shyamalpal555@gmail.com
AMIT MANDALAcademic Convener8145065444ssamitmandal@gmail.com
ANIMESH RAYExamination-In-Charge9832292156rayanimesh1@gmail.com
SHYAMAL SINGHAAsstt. Campus Administrator9732692824contact.shyamalsingha@gmail.com